Monday, October 27, 2008

Koala / Luke's Half Marathon *Updated* Stats

The Koala Health and Wellness Centers/Luke's Locker Houston Half Marathon was held Sunday, October 26, 2008 in downtown Houston. Here's a look at the event's previous winners and age group bests since becoming a half marathon two years ago:

Men's Overall
2008 - Sean Wade, 1:08:44.4
2007 - Alex Moore, 1:09:21.8
2006 - Sean Wade, 1:12:50.3
2005 - Luis Armenteros, 1:06:43.8
2004 - Sean Wade, 1:05:51.3
2003 - Sean Wade, 1:04:55.9
2002 - Sean Wade, 1:07:13
2001 - Sean Wade, 1:05:26.1
2000 - Rudy Rocha, Jr., 1:06:58.9
1999 - Sean Wade, 1:04:51.3
1998 - Abdelaziz Drayek, 1:09:30
1997 - Michael Crawford, 1:05:50
1996 - Conan Doyle, 1:06:54
1995 - David Washburn, 1:04:12
1994 - Salah Chraifa, 1:06:02
1992 - Jon Warren, 1:03:57
1991 - Jeff Wells, 1:04:30.1
1990 - Joe Flores, 1:03:47
1989 - Joe Flores, 1:05:32.1
1988 - David Washburn, 1:03:49
1987 - David Washburn

Women's Overall
2008 - Dawn Domaschk, 1:23:04.3
2007 - Kimberly Hager, 1:21:35.9
2006 - Autumn Ray, 1:23:33.3
2005 - Laura Bennett, 1:20:30.5
2004 - Christie Lammers, 1:22:14.4
2003 - Jessica Armenteros, 1:18:34.4
2002 - Jackie Rzepecki, 1:16:34
2001 - Jackie Rzepecki, 1:17:05.6
2000 - Wizz Bayou, 1:19:43.5
1999 - Patty Valadka, 1:17:20
1998 - Patty Valadka, 1:17:29
1997 - Joy Smith, 1:12:22
1996 - Lynn Nelson, 1:09:08
1995 - Patty Valadka, 1:12:21
1994 - Katrina Price, 1:16:51
1992 - Donna Rickenbacker, 1:17:47
1991 - Donna Rickenbacker, 1:18:03
1990 - Joy Smith, 1:13:03
1989 - Donna Roark, 1:16:53.4
1988 - Georgette Green, 1:15:40
1987 - Donna Roark, 1:17:04

Men's Masters
2008 - Wilmer Bustillos, 1:13:53.1
2007 - Jon Butler, 1:14:11.5
2006 - Francisco Perez, 1:14:42.4
2005 - Francisco Perez, 1:11:36.9
2004 - Joe Flores, 1:12:00.0
2003 - Jon Butler, 1:07:00.9
2002 - David Dunn, 1:11:19
2001 - David Washburn, 1:11:36.7
2000 - Joe Melanson, 1:12:13.7
1999 - David Washburn, 1:10:21
1998 - Bernie Weber, 1:10:58
1997 - Rich Fredrich, 1:11:17
1996 - David Washburn, 1:08:00
1995 - Bill Butzner, 1:12:09
1994 - Jeff Cole, 1:11:43
1992 - Bob Wolfe, 1:13:09
1991 - Mark Hunter, 1:08:23.9
1990 - Roger Boak, 1:13:15
1989 - Peter Baird, 1:12:03.0

Women's Masters
2008 - Heidy Lozano, 1:24:12.1
2007 - Heidy Lozano, 1:23:07.8
2006 - Heidy Lozano, 1:24:16.5
2005 - Christie Lammers, 1:20:38.7
2004 - Suzanne Day, 1:27:08.9
2003 - Suzanne Day, 1:26:13.4
2002 - Joy Smith, 1:20:01
2001 - Allison Willbern, 1:24:04.5
2000 - Christie Lammers, 1:25:58.3
1999 - Kathy Barton, 1:23:32
1998 - Donna Sterns, 1:24:43
1997 - Donna Sterns, 1:21:54
1996 - Kathy Barton, 1:20:15
1995 - Patty Leary, 1:20:30
1994 - Kathy Barton, 1:21:20
1992 - Joyce Gaskin, 1:30:05
1991 - Connie Lawrence, 1:25:48
1990 - Joyce Gaskin, 1:25:44
1989 - Shirlie Lindsay, 1:25:55.6

Age-Group Bests

14-Under - Mark Halle, 2006, 1:38:12
15-19 - Joshua Rake, 2008, 1:30:02 (bumped Andrew Epperson, 2006, 1:31:01)
20-24 - Colin Carroll, 2008, 1:11:49 (bumped Jerry Hopkins, 2006, 1:23:32)
25-29 - Alex Moore, 2007, 1:09:22
30-34 - Ray Martinez, 2007, 1:12:51
35-39 - Luis Armenteros, 2008, 1:09:13 (bumped Luis Armenteros, 2007, 1:10:43)
40-44 - Sean Wade, 2008, 1:08:44 (bumped Sean Wade, 2006, 1:12:50)
45-49 - Jon Butler, 2007, 1:14:12
50-54 - Rich Fredrich, 2007, 1:20:05
55-59 - Miguel Lopez, 2007, 1:24:05
60-64 - Ben Harvie, 2007, 1:27:21
65-69 - Kenneth Ruane, 2006, 1:33:14
70-74 - Ino Cantu, 2006, 1:40:24
75-Over - Orville Kremmer, 2007, 1:56:16

14-Under - Joelle Harris, 2007, 2:24:04
15-19 - Sara Collazos, 2006, 1:31:27
20-24 - Kate Gorry, 2007, 1:22:13
25-29 - Autumn Ray, 2006, 1:23:33
30-34 - Dawn Domaschk, 2008, 1:23:04 (bumped Olya Perevalova, 2007, 1:25:06)
35-39 - Kimberly Hager, 2007, 1:21:36
40-44 - Heidy Lozano, 2007, 1:23:08
45-49 - Heidy Lozano, 2008, 1:24:12 (bumped Jody Berry, 2006, 1:32:49)
50-54 - Christie Lammers. 2007, 1:28:30
55-59 - Donna Sterns, 2008, 1:40:42 (bumped Alice Keelin, 2006, 1:45:17)
60-64 - Nancy Prejean, 2007, 1:38:25
65-69 - Ursula Spilger, 2006, 2:04:15
70-74 - Kay Duplichan, 2008, 2:16:25 (bumped Carol Cain, 2006, 3:07:57)
75-Over - Sadie Greenman, 2006, 2:52:08

Previously, the Houston Half Marathon was held at the 20-kilometer (20K) distance - and was the nation's second largest race at that distance - prior to 2006.

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