Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Diva Half Marathon and 5K - Galveston Finishers Numbers

2014 - 3,161 total (1,202 finishers in the 5K and 1,959 in the HM)
2015 - 3,894 total (1,749 finishers in the 5K and 2,145 in the HM)
2016 - 3,637 total (1,886 finishers in the 5K and 1,751 in the HM)
2017 - 2,968 total (1,678 finishers in the 5K and 1,290 in the HM)
2018 - 2,000 total (1,175 finishers in the 5K and 825 in the HM)

Source:  runlikeadiva.com

1 comment:

JScott1 said...

Finally the running community is coming to its senses and the half marathon is no longer the most popular event. I never really cared for any event that celebrates being half of something.