Saturday, April 26, 2014

Why 5 Races In A Weekend?

The first answer would be, "Because I can."

The second answer would be, "Because I want to."

The third is, "Yes, I'm crazy."

And the fourth would be, "Think of as running multiple legs in the Texas Independence Relay (or whatever other favorite relay that you might run in)."

(I technically could have made it seven - with one more city, but I decided against it for multiple reasons.)

As of Saturday morning at approximately 10 a.m., with two down and three to go, the weather could get bad tonight and neither of Sunday's races at this point are a guarantee.

I've been needing to get my running back into gear.

Two deaths in my family this year, a crazy daily commute of anywhere from 90 to 120 minutes road trip, a desk job, working a LOT of races this spring (with 4-5 hours of sedentary prep time for each) and three out-of-state trips and my running - and workouts - have gone to pot.

So this was a way to kick start once I saw that there was a Friday evening race in Cleburne.

I've added Cleburne and Corinth, will add Highland Village this afternoon and hope to add Carrollton and Muenster tomorrow.

I could have squeezed in Decatur at 1 p.m. today, but I'll pass on that event for now.

Additionally, I know that I won't be getting optimal results from this exercise.  Especially finishing it up with a 15K at high noon.

Sometimes, though, you need to just get away, do something different and have fun - even if you're all by yourself.

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